Monday, February 22, 2010

Monday Mosaic Blog

Well I have had an aha moment this week. I realized that sometimes when you feel overwhelmed you need to step back and try something new to refresh yourself and inspire you.

I have enjoyed trying some ideas out on a smaller scale. Ideas that I have been thinking about for sometime and working with. What really got me going on this was a challenge that was given to my monthly art guild group (We are given a challenge once a month). Our challenge was to try making something using the cubist technique, like Picasso or Braque. I tried a few little sketches and it was so freeing to do something totally different and learn about the artists that started this cubist movement. Who knows maybe I'll take it to the next level and make a mosaic from one of the sketches, which would be a whole different challenge.

Here's the latest pictures of the counter installation project. It's been a slow process but I'm plugging along.

I also am starting the bathroom mosaic.

They decided on the first sketch with the bamboo and moon theme. I'm excited to get going on it. My husband was nice enough to help me with the frame - mitering, gluing and nailing it to the plywood substrate. I thought this would be a nice way to frame the piece.

Plan for the week
Tuesday-Smalti class
Wednesday-Work on Bamboo mosaic
Thursday-Work on counter
Friday-Work on counter for a few hours-shop for glass if needed for Bamboo mosaic
Saturday-day off
Sunday-Studio time with local mosaic group
Quote for the week
"A change of work is the best rest."
-William Gladstone

Monday, February 15, 2010

Day 173

Monday Mosaic Blog

February 15, 2010

I have started a new project to have something to work on in between trying to come up with a design for my dad and stepmom's bathroom.

This project is something totally different than what I have done in the past. I've been wanting to try out an abstract with black cinca tile in the background. So far I'm not sure if I like it or not. I'm just experimenting with the process. I'm using up some Wediboard that I've had. I love how lightweight the Wedi board is but I don't like the surface being "bumpy" instead of flat like MDF board. I do have some samples from di MOSAICO of Paper Laminate and Fiberelam which I would like to try at some point.

I've been spending quite a bit of time trying to come up with a design for the bathroom. Here are some of my sketches along with the glass colors I'm thinking of. I'm leaning more towards an Asian theme, since my stepmom would like something more "Zen".
The 2nd picture I'm still playing around with different background colors that is why there are two different colors.
I'm going to email these pictures today to see if I'm on the right track for the look that they want.
Mosaic plan for this week
Tonight-Art Guild Meeting
Tuesday-Smalti class
Wednesday-work on "squares" project
Thursday-Organize Studio/ try to finish "squares"
Friday-No mosaics, it's an errand day
Saturday/Sunday-work on counter since I'll be on location
Quote of the week
"We are our own dark continent, we are our own savage frontier. Many marvels await discovery as we continue on the path to authenticity." -Alice Walker

Monday, February 8, 2010

Day 166

February 8th, 2010
I am excited to get my piece grouted and ready for the SAMA Salon. The title for this is "Nature's Sonata". I used black grout and like how it turned out.

This has a lot of my favorite things in it, music, water, sunflowers, birch trees and a moonlit night.

On Friday this week I had about 5 hours to work on the counter/bar project. I only have time to work on it once a week so it has been a slow process. I can't get over how long the crazy paving areas take to do. I'm pretty picky on making sure the pieces fit together well and to not get too many "grout rivers". I still need to hunt for the brown tile that I need for this.

My smalti class that I have been taking with Connie Cohen has been fun. The most challenging part has been making sure that I have a contrast of values. I am doing a bleeding heart plant from a photograph I took last summer. I do wish I had the bright pinks that I was looking for but hard to get with glass. I'm working more with the purples and reds.

Plan for the week
Tuesday - Smalti Class
Wednesday-Work on new project and shop for brown tile
Thursday-Work on counter/bar
Friday-Work on counter/bar
Saturday-day off or get ready for mosaic group
Sunday-12:00-5:00 Mosaic group coming over.
Monday-Work on new project.
Quote for the week
"Earth laughs in flowers"
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

Monday, February 1, 2010

Monday Mosaic Blog-Day 159

February 1st, 2010

I can't beleive I am finshed adhering my piece I'm considering for SAMA.
I am going to call it "Nature's Sonata"
I was not sure of a lot of things going into this project.

Not sure how to:
-do the moon
-make the birch tree
-how to go around the leaves
-what to do with the bottom left area
-decide on colors

This was a challenging mosaic for me, I am glad I am at this point and am looking forward to grouting. I'll grout with black grout which I will do tomorrow afternoon then hopefully have time to get it submitted for the SAMA salon!

What I was looking for in this was to give a feeling that nature can be poetic and musical. I was thinking of Beethoven's Sonata in C (Moonlight Sonata). Also to put in the things I find beautiful, sunflowers, birch trees, a full moon , music and water.

My next project!

I will be coming up with a design for my dad and stepmom's bathroom that they just finished redoing. They want it 18" high x 30" long (max.) They want more of an abstract landscape. I have a picture of their bathroom where it will go and what tile colors they used. I'll probably incorporate some of the small tile squares into the piece.
Plan for the week
Tuesday-Smalti class. Grout "Nature's Sonata"
Wednesday-Clean and organize studio, maybe start design for next project.
Thursday-Work on counter/bar project
Friday-Work on counter/bar project
Saturday and Sunday-Start on next project, figuring out tile colors etc.
Quote of the week
"Achieve your own beauty, as the flowers do."
-D.H. Lawrence