Monday, May 3, 2010

Monday Mosaic Blog-Day 250

I have been continuing to try to get the hospital mosaic done in time. I've only had about 3 hours a day to dedicate to this. I still don't know how this will turn out. I started out wanting to give it a more painterly look but I did not like how the flowers were looking. I ended up giving the flowers more detail. I love the bright colors. I started to do the background today and that is really helping pull the piece together. I'm just free forming it, I didn't have a plan I'm just letting the tesserae "talk" to me as I place them down. I really enjoy working in this way.

I have been using materials that I already have. It's a little challenging but fun!

I also had a few hours to work on the counter installation and finished another section. I only have one more section and some touch up areas. I figure another 5 hours before grouting.

Plan for the week

Monday Night-Wednesday-finish adhering background for flower piece

Thursday-Grout piece and work on counter

Friday-Bring in flower piece to be jured.

Saturday and Sunday clean up studio

Monday-Work on peacock feather piece

Quote of the week

"Every time you don't follow you inner guidance, you feel a loss of energy, loss of power, a sense of spiritual deadness."

-Shakti Gawain

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